Before you begin to look you need to decide what it is that you want an advertising agency to do for your business. Are you looking for a shot in the arm to keep existing customers or are you trying to buildup new clientele with your ad campaign? Do you just need a short term campaign for a new product or are you looking for a long term ad campaign? What is your goal with advertising? Some companies want brand name recognition while other companies are trying to showcase a new product to their line.
You need to understand your goals of advertising agencies and your needs before you can expect an agency to fulfill your needs.However once you know what you are looking for in an advertising agency, you can start looking for an agency through other organizations and trade magazines in your field. Your goal is to find an agency that understands your business field and your unique adverting needs and is prepared to make your brand a well known name.
Once you select a few promising advertising agencies it is a good idea to arrange an informal visit to their offices to get a realistic feel for the company that you will trust your company to. From here you should be checking references and making sure the company has a long line of happy and satisfied clients and not a long trail of complaint and lawsuits. Call on references and do a simple internet search to make sure the company you are interested in while live up to your expectations before you go any further with them.
Once you have narrowed your field down to the top three or four contenders, ask each of the agencies to give your company a formal presentation of an advertising campaign. Ideally at least one of the advertising agencies will hit he mark on the head with a winning campaign that will make the best use of your advertising dollars and do what its intended to do- make your brand well known and help your business grow.
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